Movie Ruiners
Movie Ruiners - a fun pod starring brothers Nick and Reed Canaday. The boys joke around about movies and interview comedians on their favorite movie and stuff. Check it out!
For more information visit us at www.MovieRuiners.com
Podcasting since 2020 • 107 episodes
Movie Ruiners
Latest Episodes
Boogie Nights with Dan Soder & Brendan Sagalow
The hilarious duo of Soder & Sagalow skate by to watch the Paul Thomas Anderson classic, Boogie Nights! In this episode we talk about Macho Man, Pyro's camp experience, Dr Sleep, and have an epic battle of "Guess Who?" Stand-up Comedy Editi...
Episode 106

The Silence of the Lambs with Ran Barnaclo & Blake Hammond
Cincinnati comedians, Ran Barnaclo & Blake Hammond, stop by to watch the iconic Silence of the Lambs. We recommend pairing this episode with some fava beans and a nice Chianti. Enjoy!To keep up with Ran and Blake follow them on Inst...
Episode 105

Dazed and Confused with Tyler Arceneaux
Hey Man.... do you listen to the podcast? Be a lot cooler if you did. Louisiana comedian, Tyler Arceneaux takes us on a blast from the past as we go back to 1976 to talk about one of the best teen comedies of all time. Let us know in the ...
Episode 104

The Sandlot with Lee Kimbrell
The very funny Lee Kimbrell steps up to the plate to talk about the GOAT kids movie. In this episode we also dive into Lee's baseball experiences, "Squintsing", and his relationship with Ernest P. Worrell!Go give Lee a follow amd check ...
Episode 103

The Bourne Identity with Joe Zimmerman
The hilarious Joe Zimmerman joins the pod to discuss one of the most influential action movies of all time. Is this Matt Damon's best movie? let us know in the comments below what your favorite is!Check out Joe on the road and look for ...
Episode 102