Movie Ruiners
Movie Ruiners - a fun pod starring brothers Nick and Reed Canaday. The boys joke around about movies and interview comedians on their favorite movie and stuff. Check it out!
For more information visit us at www.MovieRuiners.com
Movie Ruiners
Forgetting Sarah Marshall with AJ Wilkerson
Nick & Reed Canaday
Episode 88
Nashville comedian AJ Wilkerson joins us this episode to break down one of the best break up comedies around. Pour yourself a big bowl a cereal, break out the Hawaiian shirt, and laugh along with us as we dive into the movie. Mahalo!
Be sure to check out AJ's special, "Captain Autism" which premieres on January 26th on his YouTube channel @ajwilkersoncomedy
Also to keep up with AJ on tour and more info visit his website www.ajwilkerson.com
For more information on the pod go to www.movieruiners.com