Movie Ruiners
Movie Ruiners - a fun pod starring brothers Nick and Reed Canaday. The boys joke around about movies and interview comedians on their favorite movie and stuff. Check it out!
For more information visit us at www.MovieRuiners.com
Movie Ruiners
Hot Rod with Max Castillo & Kyle Rehl
Nick & Reed Canaday
Episode 93
Yoo-hoo, shit heads. Comedians, Max Castillo & Kyle Rehl stunt it up with the boys as we watch the cult classic, Hot Rod. Alright folks, prepare to be dazzled! If you wanna watch along make sure to find us on Youtube... Cool Beans
Keep up with Mac on www.maxcastillocomedy.com & follow his Instagram: @bigtimemaca
Keep up with Kyle on www.kylerehl.com & follow his insta too: @kylerehl
For more updates on the show follow us on instagram @movieruiners